Scientific benefits of Hugs, Hug can cure heart disease, blood pressure and pain Hugs boost confidence

Scientific benefits of Hugs, Hug can cure heart disease, blood pressure and pain Hugs boost confidence

Benefits of Hug: When a person is very happy or very sad or there is a situation where he cannot decide whether he is happy or sad, then in that situation the thing that works as a medicine for a person is ‘ ‘Hug’ means to embrace. Hugging lightens the mood, gives a feeling of peace, relieves stress and lightens the mood. But do you know that there are many scientific benefits of hugging. According to the report of the National Center for Biotech Information, it has been confirmed that hugging is very beneficial for health. Let us know what are the benefits of hugging…

Benefits of hugging –

  • Hugging creates a feeling of security and trust towards the other person.
  • By ‘hugging’ the level of oxytocin increases rapidly. Due to which the feeling of loneliness and anger goes away.
  • You might be surprised to know that hugging also strengthens the immune system. Helps in controlling the production of white blood cells in the body. The person remains healthy and free from diseases.
  • Hugging increases self-confidence, relieves body tension and also relaxes the muscles.
  • ‘Hugging increases blood circulation in soft tissues and provides relief from pain.
  • Hugging cures the problem of high blood pressure. When you hug someone, oxytocin is released from the body, which in the language of science is called ‘cuddle hormone’. Cuddle hormone works to provide relief from anxiety and stress.
  • Sleeping with tight hugs and cuddles is good for heart health. This makes you feel happy and secure.
  • Hugging is like meditation which provides peace and relaxation to your mind.

read this also – In these countries, ‘kissing’ in a public place can be punishable, you can face jail.

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